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When making any important decisions regarding your health, it's vital that you have access to all necessary information to ensure you understand all options before making a choice. At Oral Surgery Specialists of Atlanta, we work hard to be able to provide our patients with any information they could need to make an informed medical decision. From information about our options for anesthesia and 3D Scanning technology to information about financing and insurance, our website has a plethora of material for patients to review.

You can rest assured that all information on our site is accurate and helpful, but if you have specific questions or concerns, it's always best to contact our office and schedule an appointment with one of our expert oral surgeons. Whether you're looking for more information on how to pay for your procedure, or would like to get a head start by filling out our patient registration form, we have provided the tools you need to be completely prepared when you visit our office for treatment; simply browse the list of patient information pages below.

Initial Oral Surgery Consultation

Anesthesia Options

3D Imaging


Financing & Insurance

Financial Policy

Privacy Policy